Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week 24 and photos

What's Motivating Me This Week?
I feel so strong at the moment. I have had to take my exercise pants in this week - by adding darts or shortening the elastics.

What's Puzzling Me This Week?
Should I get jazz shoes? My current shoes just don't do it for my when I'm at Zumba because they are just too grippy.

What's Bugging Me This Week?
For the last few weeks I have had really tight calves.  I've been doing extra stretches for them and use my water bottle to roll the muscle - I'll need to get a foam roller next week when I'm near shops. In the meantime I am worried that it will led to major damage.

What's Encouraging Me This Week? 

My husband said to me this morning that he has is crazy funny girl back again.

What's the Plan?
This week is the last week of school, so soon I will be back on holidays but I will be travelling so although I would love to comment to a Jillian Michaels' challenge again, I don't think I will be able to for a large part of that time will be camping.

Anyway I'm about fun and fit this week!


I decided to just go without the camisole - so you can see it.

 So not happy with my back -the fat rolls make my stomach tighten. But check out that butt! Can you tell I had to bring the back seam of these pants in by 4cm?

This isn't too bad. Again - two darts added taking another 2 cms out each.

Not a skinny chic - but getting smaller every time.