Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 30

What's Motivating Me This Week?
My manly muscles - if only I could rid of the flappy arms

What's Bugging Me This Week?
The flappy arms

What's Puzzling Me This Week?
Why can't I stick to the routine? I make excuses for myself in the morning like,,, 'I've had a bad night's sleep' or 'I just did Zumba last night so I don't really need to workout this morning.' So I've planned two rest days after Zumba nights and not giving myself excuses otherwise. Last week I only ended up doing the Zumba classes - grrr.

What's Encouraging Me This Week? 
Tabata? I tried 'The world's fastest workout video' although I didn't do the first exercise properly - I did my it without the push up and the jump. The problem is that you can't really tell when to stop and start with this video if your concentrating on the exercise.

What's the Plan?