Thursday, July 26, 2012


It was a funny week this week. I was meant to do the previous week's plan again.

I ended up getting all sorts of sickness,,, I won't gross you out. At the moment my voice is threatening to die on me.

So although my weekend was great exercise wise, I missed a Zumba class and did only 2 other workout with weights. Shocking.

But I had a funny moment today. In art class we started on our paper mache masks. I had opened up a new 5 litre bottle of glue to use and was pouring the glue into their bowls.  During the lesson some groups ran out of glue so I told them to help themselves to it.  Not one of them could lift up the bottle to pour it properly. I had one boy ask me how I could be so strong.  They are so sweet!

I'm not looking forward to photo time this weekend.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Nope - no bike

Hopped on the bike hoping for a little cycle action - got 2 minutes in and decided it wasn't worth the pain. Looks like I wasted $15 on a bike seat then - hopefully the husband will use it still.

So instead I'm using "Low Impact Cardio Workout for Beginners - Beginner Cardio  Toning Workout Routine" but after all the fluffing around I did before hand I don't have enough time to do it all - I'm taking a quick breather while I my peas and carrots are cooking in the microwave.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 25

What's Motivating Me This Week?
Great music - I spend a bit of time today finding new music to workout to. 
I also found this YouTube channel, The low impact cardio looks good so I'll try that next week - or this depending on how I find the bicycle with the new cover - all I know is that I tried to ride again and my v-giny hurt!

What's Puzzling Me This Week?
How could my waist have gotten smaller but my hips bigger? Just of shits and giggle I looked up my waist-to-hip ratio - it's 0.83 - so close!

What's Bugging Me This Week?
I was on the phone with an in-law this week and was asked how my diet was going.  Why do people think that you are on a diet when you are getting fit?  I know she meant fad diet, or even simply watching what I eat but it frustrates me how little people actually know about health. I've been day dreaming about studying again - maybe picking up the health side of my degree... but I don't know.

What's Encouraging Me This Week? 
Getting back on track and feeling please with how strong I still feel after a holiday.

What's the Plan?
 I really want to increase my cardio, but also enjoy strength stuff - I used my new 1.5kg dumbbells today and thought to myself, 'actually should have bought the 2kgs'.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Radio Silence

Sorry - let me catch you up.

I've traveled up and down the state during my holiday. The first hotel I stayed in barely had room to swing a cat so no exercise. Then I was at my parents so I got in a workout a day. Then I stayed in a unit so I did a few more workouts. I finally ended up in a tent and didn't get any conscious exercise done. I did walk buttloads during the holidays, I also ate everything!!!

So in all I put on a few kg - but I had a great time.

Back at work now, thrown back into it, I did manage to go to 1 Zumba class and do 1 Tiffany Roth workout.

However the other things I achieved when I was away:
  • new yoga pants (x4) I looked everywhere and only found them in Big W.  I was seriously pissed off that exercise stores don't cater for larger sizes. Do they not think that if they did, and pluz sized girls bought their workout gear, who then worked out and lost wieght and thus need more, but smaller, workout gear that they wouldn't get repeat business??? Fuck it - Big W I love you.
  • new dumbbells (x2)
  • new exercise bras (x4) at 15% off
  • seat cover for the bike (x1)
  • I looked for a foam roller - hell they were expensive so I didn't get one (x0).  I'm going to look online.
So my plan today is to set up my exercise bike and go for a ride and think about what the plan is going to be for the rest of the week.

Also, while everyone else is doing it on pinterest I may as well give it a go too - the Weight Loss Simulator

This is me (sort of) at the moment - and this is me (sort of) at 80kg.