Saturday, May 26, 2012

Week 21

Ignore the fact that the picture says week 20.

What's Motivating Me This Week?
Stickers and glass pebbles - photos to come.

What's Puzzling Me This Week?
Still stuck on the fringe - I even dreamt about it last night - but in my dream my hair was too thin for bangs but I tried cutting them anyway and it was a disaster.

What's Bugging Me This Week?

Remember a while ago I bought a pair of jazz pants? I put them into the cupboard and didn't wear them because they were a little tight and I thought I would spare the world that look. I wore them today for my workout,,, and now they are too big. I kept having to pull them up. I do like the look of them so I might have to look into a pattern to make my own, in the meantime I'll take these one in a bit because they were pretty expensive only to have worn once.

What's Encouraging Me This Week? 
All these new to me fitness videos on YouTube.

What's the Plan?