Motivating Me This Week?
A proper dance instructor has moved to town and will be started up real Zumba classes! I'm kind of excited about this!
What's Puzzling Me This Week?
Reading through blogilates and finding out about Gaiam TV. I'm kind of keen to find out if I can join up being from Australia and all that. Sometimes these things don't work because of copyright etc.
Reading through blogilates and finding out about Gaiam TV. I'm kind of keen to find out if I can join up being from Australia and all that. Sometimes these things don't work because of copyright etc.
Bugging Me This Week?
That I really want to drink Pepsi Max. It tastes so good.
That I really want to drink Pepsi Max. It tastes so good.
Encouraging Me This Week?
That other people are noticing.
My husband C, joined me for exercise for the first time this year. I hope I can keep him going.
My husband C, joined me for exercise for the first time this year. I hope I can keep him going.
I know that I said that I would probably keep that routine for a few weeks but I found that doing 'Get Strong' just wasn't cutting it for me - I think I do better when I have someone telling me what to do (on video) then having to use a peice of paper.
Today I did the 'Booty Shaking Waist Workout' video and it killed me. I think that it will be great to do this plan for a few weeks and see how much I can improve.